D&B Global Financials
Compare companies around the world with a single, standardized set of financial data


D&B Global Financials

Simplify your analysis with standardized financial data

Create your own financial ratios to adapt your analysis to your company’s standards

Decide with which world currency (real time exchange rate) you want to make comparisons

Search, analyze and export data by geography, industry and financial criteria of your choice for a consistent view

Global Financials : a standardized and globally consistent view of corporate financial data

With different reporting requirements and financial reporting standards in different countries, it is not easy to assess corporate financial performance in a consistent manner.
D&B Global Financials standardizes this basic report data and produces analyses that allow you to conduct your analyses.

You have access to standardized and comparable company reports and comparative analyses corresponding to different financial reporting standards around the world.

By comparing balance sheets, income statements and ratios, you are able to make the right decisions about companies in different countries and evaluate them correctly.

Our international coverage allows us to collect accurate, real-time data and reformat it into a common global format.

When local reporting standards change, they are immediately updated and incorporated into the reporting. The data is also accessible via an API connected to your system or application.

D&B Global Financials in figures


Markets for public companies


Markets for private companies


Standardised financials data


Standardised financials data


Years of experience

Global Financials



indisputable audit trail

Export your products

D&B Global Financials offers internationally active companies a true and reliable view of other companies.

  • Profiling, export and integration with analytical platforms to support business intelligence projects and M&A analysis
  • Development of multi-market financial scorecards for risk assessment and client integration
  • Supporting transfer pricing compliance with consistent international financial data
  • Incorporation of consistent financial data into prospecting and propensity models. More accurate and systematically targeted leads to accelerate sales

You want to learn more about D&B Global Financials ?

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Global Financials

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