Take better decisions.
With data and information on 500 million entities worldwide, Altares Dun & Bradstreet manages the largest B2B database in the world.
About Altares
Luc Querton - CEO - Altares Dun & Bradstreet.
data quality controls points
data sources
Our unique identifier for every company in the world.
All group structures, including their managers and UBOs.
Your data challenges
Risk Management
Altares provides you with the world's largest BtoB database and solutions to quickly obtain relevant information on your markets, prospects and potential partners in order to control your risk and develop in complete security.
The success of your compliance policy involves several steps to verify your third-party data, protect your reputation and monitor compliance with regulations. Altares supports you in bringing all your procedures into compliance.
Thanks to our portfolio of solutions, you meet your CSR challenges. Altares solutions meet your Corporate Social Responsibility challenges in different ways via web, API or file access, and for different departments such as legal, compliance or purchasing.
Sales & Marketing
Altares enables you to better understand your markets, optimize your customer portfolio, identify high-potential prospects and improve the ROI of your lead generation operations.
Altares supports you in setting up your sourcing and supplier onboarding processes, as well as in optimizing all of your purchasing procedures, with the aim of implementing a responsible and sustainable purchasing strategy.
Data Management
Structuring your data and making it more reliable allows you to unleash the full potential of your data. You regain possession of your data and are able to transform your repository into a real information asset at the service of your data governance policy.
D&B Credit Control your risks on an international scale.
D&B Country Risk Manage your international risks and opportunities.
PPI / DunTrade Analyze the payment behavior of your customers.
Global Financials A consistent and standardized view of corporate financial data.
D&B Direct + Improve your performance with integrated, real-time access to the world’s most comprehensive B2B information base.
inDoc Order your official documents from abroad.
UBO Factory Identify the beneficial owners of your third parties.
AnaCredit Produce your reporting statements in accordance with the requirements of the European Central Bank.
Duns 4 Lei Automate and maintain the LEIs of your third-party databases.
Business Add-On Enrich your SAP information system with D&B Altares data.
Dataxess Make your CRM data more reliable and enrich it on a daily basis with D&B data.
D&B Hoovers Boost your international sales.
inDoc Order your official coins abroad.
Business Add-On Enrich your SAP information system with Altares D&B data.
PPI / DunTrade Analyze the payment behavior of your customers.
D&B Direct+ Improve your performance with integrated real-time access to the world’s most comprehensive BtoB information base
D&B Hoovers Boost your international sales.
D&B ESG Integrate CSR data into your solutions and internal processes. D&B ESG provides a reliable CSR ranking based on one of the most comprehensive company databases in the world.
CSR Questionnaire The CSR questionnaire which responds to the 17 SDGs and completed in 1 hour by your third parties.
Risk Management
Get all the information on French companies.
D&B Credit
Control your risks on an international scale.
D&B Country Risk
Manage your international risks and opportunities
PPI / DunTrade
Analyze the payment behavior of your customers.
Global Financials
A consistent and standardized view of corporate financial data.
D&B Direct +
Improve your performance with integrated, real-time access to the world's most comprehensive B2B information base
Facilitate and optimize your KYC process.
Order your official documents from abroad.
UBO Factory
Identify the beneficial owners of your third parties.
Produce your reporting statements in accordance with the requirements of the European Central Bank.
Duns 4 Lei
Automate and maintain the LEIs of your third-party databases.
Data Management
D&B Direct+
Improve your performance with integrated, real-time access to the world's most comprehensive B2B information base
Business Add-On
Enrich your SAP information system with D&B Altares data.
Make your CRM data more reliable and enrich it on a daily basis with D&B data.
Sales & Marketing
File qualification
Create, enrich, target and export your BtoB files with Altares data.
D&B Hoovers
Boost your international sales.
Facilitate and optimize your KYC process.
Order your official coins abroad.
Business Add-On
Enrich your SAP information system with Altares D&B data.
PPI / DunTrade
Analyze the payment behavior of your customers.
D&B Hoovers
Boost your international sales.
D&B Direct+
Improve your performance with integrated real-time access to the world's most comprehensive BtoB information base
Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)
Optimize your decisions and refine your compliance scores with EcoVadis CSR Scores directly in indueD.
Integrate CSR data into your solutions and internal processes. D&B ESG provides a reliable CSR ranking based on one of the most comprehensive company databases in the world.
CSR Questionnaire
The CSR questionnaire which responds to the 17 SDGs and completed in 1 hour by your third parties.

100,000 organizations