How do you prepare for AnaCredit?
- Altares – Dun & Bradstreet will support you in preparing your reporting statements, in accordance with the requirements of the European Central Bank.
Benefits of AnaCredit
- Complete enrichment
Data quality that meets European Central Bank requirements - Simple and fast process
- Monthly update
- NEW: processing in just two days!
Easy uploads
- this allows for easy and secure uploading to Onegate
- partnership with AxiomSL
AnaCredit challenges
What are the challenges of the AnaCredit project?
Following the financial crises, the European Central Bank, in collaboration with the National Central Banks, decided to set up a standardised reference database providing sufficient statistical tools to facilitate decision-making in the framework of monetary policy, financial stability and macro-prudential supervision.
AnaCredit (Analytical Credit Datasets) or the DORIAN project (for the Banque de France) is the resulting project to collect granular, accurate and detailed data on credit and credit risk for all euro area countries.
companies across the world
LEIs collected
guarantee links
Landen wereldwijd
Trust Altares - Dun & Bradstreet
Our strengths in supporting you on AnaCredit:
- A global unique identifier: D-U-N-S Number
- An up-to-date LEI base reconciled with the D-U-N-S Number database: DUNs 4 LEI
- A demanding collection process: DUNS Right
- Data collection from more than 30k local sources
- Guarantee links reconstructing the ownership links between companies
Expertise in data processing and matching - A global solution (France and international)
The key AnaCredit dates to remember in France
June 2018
Start of the approval phase
Entities test their developments and verify that the Banque de France has received all of the transmitted files.
Sep. 2018
Start of file collection
Entities must start sending the files to the Banque de France.
01 Oct. 2018
File collection via OneGate
(Banque de France collection portal used for declarations from financial institutions and companies).
15 Oct. 2018
Deadline for reporting to the BCF
Entities test their developments and verify that the Banque de France has received all of the transmitted files.
March 2019
Sending the collected data to the ECB
The Central Bank takes over from the National Central Banks.
October 2020
Entities test their developments and verify that the Banque de France has received all of the transmitted files.
Altares provides your counterparties’ reference data (AnaCredit Template 1)
Note that resident credit institutions will have to report the activity of their resident branches to their NCB, as well as that of their branches located in another reporting Member State. In addition, there are branches resident in France, for example, whose head office is in another reporting Member State. More than one hundred pieces of analytical data per credit line are expected.
Altares supports its clients in completing the “counterparty reference data”. This is the legal and financial data on the beneficiary institutions of the credit. We have the largest B2B information database in the world, with more than 359 million companies listed, both in France and abroad.
Here is the data provided by Altares in this Analytical Credit Dataset:
DATA | Details |
A simple methodology: file delivery
- We retrieve the list of your credit beneficiary institutions (called “debtors” by the NCBs).
- We perform a complete diagnostic: quality of the repository, estimation of the number of existing and matched LEIs.
- Thanks to Dun & Bradstreet’s unique identifier, the D-U-N-S Number©, we match your data with our databases.
- We are therefore able to enrich the Anacredit attributes for the counterparty, its parent company and its ultimate parent company.
- We deliver your counterparty database enriched with reference data to help complete the Anacredit template 1.
We carry out the monthly reference database update for you.
Matching legal entities via the Duns Number©
Analysing matching quality and rates
The Central Bank takes over from the National Central Banks.
Monthly update of the repository